Today I will tell you some of my preferences when I must choose an animal.
Well, all of us have an animal or more that when we see it we get fear. Concretely, I have two or three animals that I can’t see, ‘cause I get a lot frightened and nervous. When I see these animals or when I heard their noises, I start to running far away from it.
One of these animals are the frogs. Now, maybe, you will say, frogs? They don't do nothing! Well, I agree with you, but since I was a child, when I see a frog or when I listen “croack, croack”, I can’t stay still, I start to think that it can jump to me and I will touch it and... while I’m thinking it I see that I’m ten metres away from the frog! Jaja! With toads, happens the same.
Another animal that I’m really afraid is the snake. The difference that is between my frog’s fear and snake’s fear is that if I see a snake I will scream a lot, and I won’t run ten meters, I’ll run one kilometre if it’s necessary! Jajajaja!
Well, I think that I’m afraid about all the animals that are like toads, frogs, snakes..., ‘cause if I see a chameleon I will do the same...
I won’t put any photo of these animals, ‘cause when I want to enter into my blog in the future I will must close it! ;D
Well, abo
ut my prefer animals, you will say that I’m really strange, ‘cause I don’t like to have dogs and cats and animals like that. I prefer have a rabbit and a sheep. Yes, yes, the animals that you’re reading, a rabbit and a sheep! Jaja!
I will tell you why. I think that these animals are very pacific, and they don’t bring problems to you. They are so quiet and sweet.
When I was a child I had a rabid and his name was Rabbit... we thought that it was a funny name, but like all the animals and persons, he died. :(.jpg)
And about the sheeps, I think that they are really beautiful. When I was a child, when I were in my grandparents house's I really liked see the sheeps when they were walking on the street.
Well, today I will finish here. I must study a little bit more for the exam that I have tomorrow.
See you*
Today I will tell you some of my preferences when I must choose an animal.
Well, all of us have an animal or more that when we see it we get fear. Concretely, I have two or three animals that I can’t see, ‘cause I get a lot frightened and nervous. When I see these animals or when I heard their noises, I start to running far away from it.
One of these animals are the frogs. Now, maybe, you will say, frogs? They don't do nothing! Well, I agree with you, but since I was a child, when I see a frog or when I listen “croack, croack”, I can’t stay still, I start to think that it can jump to me and I will touch it and... while I’m thinking it I see that I’m ten metres away from the frog! Jaja! With toads, happens the same.
Another animal that I’m really afraid is the snake. The difference that is between my frog’s fear and snake’s fear is that if I see a snake I will scream a lot, and I won’t run ten meters, I’ll run one kilometre if it’s necessary! Jajajaja!
Well, I think that I’m afraid about all the animals that are like toads, frogs, snakes..., ‘cause if I see a chameleon I will do the same...
I won’t put any photo of these animals, ‘cause when I want to enter into my blog in the future I will must close it! ;D
Well, abo

I will tell you why. I think that these animals are very pacific, and they don’t bring problems to you. They are so quiet and sweet.
When I was a child I had a rabid and his name was Rabbit... we thought that it was a funny name, but like all the animals and persons, he died. :(
And about the sheeps, I think that they are really beautiful. When I was a child, when I were in my grandparents house's I really liked see the sheeps when they were walking on the street.
Well, today I will finish here. I must study a little bit more for the exam that I have tomorrow.
See you*
Fear: por
Toad: gripau
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