dissabte, 28 de març del 2009



Today I have a lot of time for do all the things that I want, 'cause I can't walk. I have a sprain in my ankle, and I must rest in home really hardly because I have my ligament very hurt and maybe, it can be break if I do movements.
Well, today I will speak about my diary routine on the TV, and maybe, you will think, and what's your diary routine on the TV? Well, I will tell you the programmes or series that I watch on the TV every week and every day.

Well, beginning on Monday, when I finish of do my homework I go to the television and I watch Ventdelplà. I see Ventdelplà since it starts to appear on the TV. I think that sometimes it's a little bit boring, but few days later it can be more interesting.
On Tuesday, firstly I look APM!?, that it's a TV programme that I laugh a lot, because the programme consists in cut the moments of the TV programmes that people make mistakes and later, someone put together all these moments and it's very fun!
After to see APM!?, on Tuesday I look Hospital Central on Telecinco, other serie that I like a lot. Always that I can I look it, I think that it's interesting and it's not like a soap opera.
Well, on Wednesday I look Acusados, other serie form Telecinco's channel. It's about policeman's and murders...
On Thursday, I look Polonia. I really like this programme, I think that it's a programme like APM!?, 'cause it makes you laugh a lot. The part that I like more it's the weather, of Tomàs Molina, when he says "moooooolt bona niiiiiiiiiiiiit!";D.
On Friday I never look the TV, 'cause I always go with my friends around the town, and if we look the TV we look some films or things like that.
On Saturday, when I'm in home, like today, I look films from Antena3 of the CineMatrix, and today I will look Heidi, 'cause I can't go to Fata:(
And finally, on Sunday, I look Ventdelplà, like Monday.

Well, now you know a little bit more what I do when I'm not studying or doing homework.
I must say that not always I can see all these programmes, 'cause always, when it's time to go to the sofa and relax myself I'm very tired, and I fall asleep very quickly, so I can't watch the TV:(
Today I will finish here, I hope you will enjoy your weekend, not like me!


sprain: esguinç
anke: turmell
soap opera: "culebró"

dijous, 19 de març del 2009


Today I will speak about one of my favourite cartoon programmes on TV.
As you can improve with my blogger template, you can see that I like “The Smurfs”, and now, it’s the topic that I will speak about.
Well, when we are younger, sometimes, when we didn’t have anything to do we used to watch the TV, and the TV programmes that I always used to look was The Smurfs. Always when The Smurfs appeared on TV, behind to me, I could have very important things for me and I couldn’t stop to watch this cartoons.
The origin country of The Smurfs is Belgium, and also the story it’s written by a Belgian writer. The first appearance was on 1958, in a Belgian magazine.
Well, as you know, The Smurfs are known for their way of be and dress. Every moment, they are wearing a white trousers, and their body it’s sky blue, and also, they wear a white cap,
apart from the Dad Smurf that he wears a red trousers, a red cap and a big white beard.
In The Smurfs community there are different types of Smurfs. There is one who is the designer of clothes of all the other Smurfs; also, there is the girl Smurf, who it’s the only women on the community, and she wears a white dress and a long blond hair. Moreover, you can find the baby Smurf, the joker Smurf, the inventor Smurf... There is a lot Smurfs that you can feel identified! ;D
Now, I will say a little secret about me, so... shhhhhhht! :-#
Every morning, when I wake up, at 7:25, I get dressed and I go down to the stairs and I go to the television, I switch on the TV in K3/300 channel and I start to look The Smurfs!
I really like this cartoons, so when I’m having breakfast I pass a good time looking this programme and I remember all my good moments in the past when I used to look this TV programme every day.:)
Well, today I will finish here, and I hope you like this little introduction of this special sky blue creatures! :)

Joker: bromista

dilluns, 9 de març del 2009


Today, I will do the last post of this term. And now, maybe, you can think, why Laura is doing other post if she has got thirteen?
Well, one cause it's because tomorrow I don't have any exam, because the teacher of Ciències del món contemporani said that we didn't have a lot of topics for do the exam, so she changed the exam day.
Well, other cause why I'm doing other post in the blog, it's because all the people I have my obsessions. Now I will tell you some of it.

  • When I must study or sleep, or simply, do something that I must be concentrated I can't have noises around me. For example, I can't sleep with a clock next to me, 'cause the "tic-tac" makes me nervous.
  • I hate the numer thirteen, I don't know why, but I think that when I was little I believed in what the people say about this number, and now, I don't like it. Now, you know the reason that I'm doing it now.
  • I don't like that people remove my things, so I have an order, my order, and if someone wants search something in my things, he must have my permission!:D
  • In my computer, I like have all my documents in order, don't matter if are music, texts or images. I like have all in different folders. If someone change my order (who always is my brother) I will be angry a lot! :D
  • I'm a little bit superstitious, and I hate the e-mails chains!

Well, as you could see, I'm not a really maniatic person, but I have my little obsessions. I think that the biggest obsession that I have it's the first. It's a thing that I can't control it, I need a big silence when I must do something with concentration.
Now, don't think that I'm a fussy person! ;D
Well, today I will finish here, and I will finish the posts of the second term hoping a GOOD LUCK for all the people who's in exams!
See you!:)


P.S: I don't know where it's my diccionary, so I looked this word in wordreference, I don't know if it's correct;)

diumenge, 8 de març del 2009


Now.. I need some party and relax time, because this next week, will be horrible, and I think that all of us, when arrive on Friday or Saturday night, the only thing that we will do it will be going to a party!
Why? This week we will do one or two exams everyday, so when Friday comes, we will be really tired, and we will need some time for disconecting of all the studies.
Yesterday night, I went to a Carnival, but it was worst than if I rested in home, I didn't like nothing yesterday night.
Well, this song that I will post is of the type of Dance music. There are songs of this type of music that I like, because they make me feel happy and animated, because they have a beautiful and a catchy rhythm and you start to sing it, and if you are listening songs like that when you are stressed, you finish the song feeling better:)
There is a lot of people that don't like this type of music, but I think that this type of music doesn't have anything bad! Moreover, when people go to the discotheque they listen this type of music, so if they really dislike this music, they wouldn't go to the discotheques.
Well today I will finish here, I hope you like a little this song!;)

Catchy: que enganxa (cançó)

dissabte, 7 de març del 2009


There are a lot of people who say that Sant Pere it's an ugly place, it doesn’t matter if it’s for live or for another things.
In my opinion, I think that Sant Pere has bad points, like all the towns, cities and countries, but it’s a nice place to live.
Maybe, in winter, it’s a little lonely, because there aren’t tourists and when you are in the street you only will see people of the town, but in summer there is a lot of people. When you are in the street, in three minutes you can listen minimum three different languages. There are a lot of people from around the world.
Apart from it, don’t matter if it’s in summer or winter, Sant Pere’s parties are brilliant. All the year, there is Fata. As you know, Fata is one discotheque that it’s situated in the L’escala’s road. In the winter, Fata it’s only open on Saturday nights, and in summer it’s opened every day.
On winter all the weekends there is a special party. In a few weeks, maybe, Cabano (Fisica o Quimica’s protagonist) will go to Fata! It will be a really good night!
There are a lot of famous people that went to this discotheque.
I only go to Fata when I don’t have anything to do, because it’s little and if there are a lot of people I get stressed! Jaja!
Well, apart from Fata, the Sant Pere’s parties are great, like New Year’s Eve, Carnival, the parties of the town, always there is a lot of people from other towns that come here.
On the other hand, Sant Pere it’s a beautiful town because it has beach and you can walk inside the nature, and when you feel stressed you can go to walk and relax yourself in the middle of the trees. I really like it. Also, you can go where ever you want with your bike.
Well, Sant Pere has a lot of immigration, and there is one reason that the people say that Sant Pere it’s a bad place for live. I don’t think it.;)
I live in Sant Pere since I was born, so I’m accustomed to live here with his good and bad characteristics.
Also, the reason that I really like live here, it's because I have all my friends here, so I loove it!:)
Well, I think that now, you know a little bit more of Sant Pere, so you are welcome to visit it!;D
See you!

dimarts, 3 de març del 2009


Always, when I need take a relax time, and I can't do it, i think: I want to be a children, and don't have any preocupations!

At the moment that I'm thinking it I'm angry because I must do a lot of things and I can't relax a little bit, but later, when I think a little bit more, I finish thinking that it doesn't matter, my childhood time have finished and I must think in my future, so I must work hardest that I can. From this way, I have the opportunity to have a better future.
Other points that sometimes I prefer be a child, are that sometimes, I'm worring about something that if I was a child, I wouldn't think in it.
I think that childhood, it's one of the best periods of our lives, because we only enjoy ourselves with our friends and we only must pass the days, without any preocupations.
From the other hand, sometimes, when you start to grow, your parents treat you as all your life, but you want a little more of independency, and you start to worry about it, because you want that your parents leave that you do things for yourself. Moreover, your parents think for you. You can give your opinion, but it doesn't matter a lot.
Finally, I think that sometimes, we want that our preocupations disappear, but I think that we have different parts in our lives, and if we don't like one, the next probably will be better, so now, our obligation is study for the exams and extract the better mark as it's posible!