Today I will speak about one of my favourite cartoon programmes on TV.
As you can improve with my blogger template, you can see that I like “The Smurfs”, and now, it’s the topic that I will speak about.
Well, when we are younger, sometimes, when we didn’t have anything to do we used to watch the TV, and the TV programmes that I always used to look was The Smurfs. Always when The Smurfs appeared on TV, behind to me, I could have very important things for me and I couldn’t stop to watch this cartoons.
The origin country of The Smurfs is Belgium, and also the story it’s written by a Belgian writer. The first appearance was on 1958, in a Belgian magazine.
Well, as you know, The Smurfs are known for their way of be and dress. Every m
oment, they are wearing a white trousers, and their body it’s sky blue, and also, they wear a white cap,
apart from the Dad Smurf that he wears a red trousers, a red cap and a big white beard.
In The Smurfs community there are different types of Smurfs. There is one who is the designer of clothes of all the other Smurfs; also, there is the girl Smurf, who it’s the only women on the community, and she wears a white dress and a long blond hair. Moreover, you can find the baby Smurf, the joker Smurf, the inventor Smurf... There is a lot Smurfs that you can feel identified! ;D
Now, I will say a little secret about me, so... shhhhhhht! :-#
Every morning, when I wake up, at 7:25, I get dressed and I go down to the stairs and I go to the television, I switch on the TV in K3/300 channel and I start to look The Smurfs!
I really like this cartoons, so when I’m having breakfast I pass a good time looking this programme and I remember all my good moments in the past when I used to look this TV programme every day.:)
Well, today I will finish here, and I hope you like this little introduction of this special sky blue creatures! :)
Designer: modista
Joker: bromista
Today I will speak about one of my favourite cartoon programmes on TV.
As you can improve with my blogger template, you can see that I like “The Smurfs”, and now, it’s the topic that I will speak about.
Well, when we are younger, sometimes, when we didn’t have anything to do we used to watch the TV, and the TV programmes that I always used to look was The Smurfs. Always when The Smurfs appeared on TV, behind to me, I could have very important things for me and I couldn’t stop to watch this cartoons.
The origin country of The Smurfs is Belgium, and also the story it’s written by a Belgian writer. The first appearance was on 1958, in a Belgian magazine.
Well, as you know, The Smurfs are known for their way of be and dress. Every m

apart from the Dad Smurf that he wears a red trousers, a red cap and a big white beard.
In The Smurfs community there are different types of Smurfs. There is one who is the designer of clothes of all the other Smurfs; also, there is the girl Smurf, who it’s the only women on the community, and she wears a white dress and a long blond hair. Moreover, you can find the baby Smurf, the joker Smurf, the inventor Smurf... There is a lot Smurfs that you can feel identified! ;D
Now, I will say a little secret about me, so... shhhhhhht! :-#
Every morning, when I wake up, at 7:25, I get dressed and I go down to the stairs and I go to the television, I switch on the TV in K3/300 channel and I start to look The Smurfs!
I really like this cartoons, so when I’m having breakfast I pass a good time looking this programme and I remember all my good moments in the past when I used to look this TV programme every day.:)
Well, today I will finish here, and I hope you like this little introduction of this special sky blue creatures! :)
Designer: modista
Joker: bromista
Hi Laura!
Ohh I mustsay that every morning at 7.30 I watch The smurfs. I LOVE THEM! =)
When I was little I was scared of Gargameel ut now I laugh a lot with him!
Smurfs, Gargamel (nuri), I saw them when I was little as Clàudia :)
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