Hi! Today I want to tell you something about my preferences.
Sometimes, when someone says that we can see a film, I prefer do another things. I think that stay in front the TV during two hours and half it’s boring, and we can do something more enjoying. I think that also it’s because they want to see horror films, and I hate it! I get scared in a few moments after to start the film! When it’s time to see a film, I prefer see a comedy films, and if you look this type of films with a great company it can be a really good experience.

Also, I must say that there is a film that I like a lot. I never get tired to see it. This film is Titanic. I don’t know what it have that likes me a lot, I know that it’s a really common film, and there isn’t nothing from the other world in it, but it have something that attracts me.
Well, two weeks ago, I saw in the television that the La Vanguardia’s newspaper will do a cinema collection, and I decided to start it, because I will have the opportunity of see the most common films and probably enjoy myself seeing it, and from the other hand, because it starts with Titanic, and I would have it in a real CD, not downloaded.
Well, about Titanic, one of my favorites films, it was created on 1997, directed, written, co-produced and co-edited by James Cameron, about the sinking of the RMS Titanic.
Titanic is a love story with two members of different social classes who fall in love aboard the ill-fated voyage of the ship, Jack Dawson (Jack Dawson) and Rose (Kate Winslet).
The main characters and the central love story are fictional, but some characters (such as members of the ship’s crew) are based on real historical figures.

From all the points, I think that Titanic it’s a really good film, and when you don’t have nothing to do, it’s a good moment to take a relax time and watch it.
Here, you have the Titanic's song, I really like it.
I hope you like it, and now, I would like to see the film, but I must study History, another thing that I hate, like the terror films!:D jaja!
See yoou!
sinking: enfonsament
barriers: barreres
to get engaged: compromís de matrimoni
lifeboat: bot salvavides
to give up: deixar de fer alguna cosa
I've seen this movie a lot of times, and every time I see it I start to cry jajaja!
It's such a very good film, a classic ;)
Yeah it was a great carnival for me of course =D (no comments XDD)
I didn't come to St.Pere because I'd had to go alone, so I decided not no go there.
See you in the carnival of Castelló? =)
Bye bye (chicho) ;)
I first watched Titanic when everone had watched it. All my old friends, said me that it's such a great film so I asked myself: hey! Clàudia, c'mon!
And I must say that I loveit now! But I never cry with it now, because I know it's just a film, even it's a real story.
Bye, Carreraa. =)
I'm one of these people who has to cry always watching "titanic"...
Even I've already seen it lots of times, I can't avoid to cry towards the end! But I still like it a lot.
But no many films make me cry, so I agree with you that's it's a really good one
I also prefer going out or doing other things than staying at home watching a film. And I also hate horror films, in fact, I don't watch them 'cause I'm covering my eyes with my hands!lool
bye carreraaaa:)
I love this film, It’s fantastic!
When my parents bought me my personal PC I downloaded it but I haven't seen the film yet (on my PC). I've watched two versions, but the original version is more realistic for me, and I always cry with Titanic. And the song, OH! It’s very beautiful!
See you tomorrow Laura! Kisses
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