dimecres, 25 de febrer del 2009


Hi! Today I want to tell you something about my preferences.
Sometimes, when someone says that we can see a film, I prefer do another things. I think that stay in front the TV during two hours and half it’s boring, and we can do something more enjoying. I think that also it’s because they want to see horror films, and I hate it! I get scared in a few moments after to start the film! When it’s time to see a film, I prefer see a comedy films, and if you look this type of films with a great company it can be a really good experience.

Also, I must say that there is a film that I like a lot. I never get tired to see it. This film is Titanic. I don’t know what it have that likes me a lot, I know that it’s a really common film, and there isn’t nothing from the other world in it, but it have something that attracts me.
Well, two weeks ago, I saw in the television that the La Vanguardia’s newspaper will do a cinema collection, and I decided to start it, because I will have the opportunity of see the most common films and probably enjoy myself seeing it, and from the other hand, because it starts with Titanic, and I would have it in a real CD, not downloaded.

Well, about Titanic, one of my favorites films, it was created on 1997, directed, written, co-produced and co-edited by James Cameron, about the sinking of the RMS Titanic.
Titanic is a love story with two members of different social classes who fall in love aboard the ill-fated voyage of the ship, Jack Dawson (Jack Dawson) and Rose (Kate Winslet).

The main characters and the central love story are fictional, but some characters (such as members of the ship’s crew) are based on real historical figures.

I think that Titanic it’s a really good film, because it demonstrates to us that there isn’t barriers between the love with two persons, indifferent form the social classes that they are. Also, Titanic has another point that I really like. This point it’s that not all the things will end like you want. In Titanic, this point it’s represented in the time that Rose starts to love Jack, and Rose is to get engaged with another man of the high social class like she. For Rose’s family, that she loves Jack, who is from another social class, it’s really bad for their appearance, and they want to break their relation, they can’t tolerate it. The point that represents more this fact, it’s that Rose give up to go into a lifeboat for stay the maximum time with her love, Jack, who can’t go to in a lifeboat, because he is from another social class.

From all the points, I think that Titanic it’s a really good film, and when you don’t have nothing to do, it’s a good moment to take a relax time and watch it.

Here, you have the Titanic's song, I really like it.

I hope you like it, and now, I would like to see the film, but I must study History, another thing that I hate, like the terror films!:D jaja!
See yoou!

sinking: enfonsament
barriers: barreres
to get engaged: compromís de matrimoni
lifeboat: bot salvavides
to give up: deixar de fer alguna cosa

dilluns, 23 de febrer del 2009


Hi! Today I will tell you a little summary of my last weekend.
On Thursday I did all my homework so I could enjoy my last weekend without exams during two weeks. I think that I needed enjoy myself with this great company.
Well, as all my weekends, it started on Friday afternoon. At three o'clock, Lidia came to my house because we must go to Figueres for buy Pau's presents, because on Saturday night we will celebrate it.
Well, Lidia and me took the bus, but we must ran before to arrive to the bus, we were late!, but we are lucky and we could took it:).
We arrived in Figueres, and we bought the presents, (a very beautiful presents!:D), and at half past six, we took another bus and we returned to Sant Pere.
Well, we arrived in Sant Pere at seven o'clock, so she went to her house, because she will go to Roses Carnival, and I went to Marian's house, she have just arrived at this moment.
Marian and me went to my house and we had dinner there, and later, we went to Marian's house and we slept there.
On Saturday morning, we wake up at nine o'clock, we would sleep more, but Julia, Marian's sister, wake up us.
Well, we went to search all our friends, and we take our motorbikes and we went outside. Marian, Lluís, Tete, Aleix and me, went to different towns, like Sant Tomàs, Sant Miquel, Vilamacolum..., and we finished going to Camallera, on the Tete's grandparents house.
We stayed for a moment here, and we returned to Sant Pere.
Well, in the afternoon, we went to Carnival. At half past four, all my friends came to my house, and we dress up, and we went to the Carnival. We dressed up of mechanics.
Later to the parade, we went to my house, and later, to Pau's birthday. We had dinner and we gave to him our presents, and later we went to the night parade.
Well, later the parade we went to the party and I left to my home at four o'clock, because I felt really dizzy [not for the alchoool!;)]
Finally, on Sunday, I woke up at one o'clock and I went to lunch in la Jonquera with my uncles and my parents.
On the afternoon, I went with my friends.
I posted some of the photos that I did this weekend, so you can see here; First album and Second Album. ;)

I think that sometimes it's really good take a relax time, I thinkt that it's necessary.
Well, I think that it's enough for today!
A big kiss for you*

Parade: desfilada

divendres, 13 de febrer del 2009



Today, I will talk about one of my little hobbies.
I really like take photos arround where I go, but I think that my photos likes to me, but no to the others persons, but I don't give importance to it.;)
When I go to somewhere, I like bring my camara. I think that always it's a good oportunity for do photos.
Sometimes, when I feel bad, I take my camara and my motorbike and I go to different places and I take fotos of the things that I like, like the beach, the forest, the trees...
I know that my photos are bad, but when I do it, I don't think with things that I'm worry about in this moment, so I think that it's a good way to disconnect a little bit of my thoughts.
Also, I like do photos to my friends, and when we are doing it, we smile and pass a good time.
My computer is full of photos, but I like it, beucase I have all my good moments here, and I can remember it when I want.
In all my life I had two camaras. The first camara was a "kings" present from my parents, when I was thirteen years old, and I don't know what happens with it but it finish to work, and this summer, the firts that I did when I recived my first salary was buy a camara, because I passed four months without camara, and I want one. Now I have a Sony Cyber-Shot DSC T-200 and I like so much, and it have a Smile Shutter and we laugh a lot with it.
Well, today I can't write more, I feel so bad, so I will finish here;)
Good weekend!

P.S: The camara of the photo, isn't mine, it's from Toni, a friend who is studying photography;)

thoughts: pensaments.

dimecres, 11 de febrer del 2009


Today I will give to you my opinion about fast food.
Last Saturday I read Laura Penkert's blog, and I read her post about the kitchen and I read that she doesn't like fast food, and me too, and I thought that it can be a good topic to talk in my blog.
I think that fast food is one of the worst things that have been invented in the world.
Fast food is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly. In the "restaurants" of fast food there isn't service of waiters or tables.
There is a long single file that you must wait for you torn, you take the food that you want, and later you go out to the street and eat walking, or also, you can take your food and sit down in one table of the establishement.
Well, now there is a lot of people that eat mínimum three times a week fast food, don't matter the reason that it be.
Fast food it's very bad for a healthy diet. All these food it's fried at contains a lot of oil.
The most known restaurants of fast food are Mc.Donald's and Burguer King.
I only went one time on a restaurant of fast food, and it was when I discovered that it was junk food.
If I eat fast food it's because it isn't another way, I think I will eat, but I prefer eat another thing.
The only positive point of view that I see in the fast food is that if you have a lot of hurry, you can buy something because you will eat quickly, but I still thinking that I prefer eat an apple!:)
In United States, there is a lot of fast food, so there is a lot of children that are growing with obesity, and it's really bad for these children. There is the excuse that their parents work and they can't do the lunch, and they give some money to their children because they can buy some of food, and the children buy fast food.
A children can grow bad without a control of his alimentation form someone adult.
In my point of view, we must avoid the fast food.

Single file: fila índia.
Junk food: menjar "escombraria".

dissabte, 7 de febrer del 2009



Today I will tell something to you about my new bedroom.
Since I have five years, I live in this house, so, when I move to it, I choosed my bedroom and it was a bunk bed, but I grow up and I didn't like it, and my parents said me that I must use it for a long time.
Mi father is the handy of the fouse, so he proposed to me that we can turn the bunk bed in a simple bed to wait for the new bedroom.
I accepted his idea and I slept with this bed for a three years.
Now, my parents say me that if I want, I can change my bedroom, because I'm more older and I can decide better.
Two weeks ago, we (my mother, my brother, my father and I) went to Ikea in Barcelona, because we never went to Ikea, and my father wants to see it, and I started: look this bed!, look this table!... and at the end of the day... I have all my bedroom new!:D:D:D
We take our car (we went with the van of the work of my father), and we put all the boxes inside, it was full! I was surprised, we bought a lot!
On Saturday, when we arrived to Sant Pere, we went to Figueres and we went to bought the paint for the walls and the ceiling.
On Sunday, my father painted my bedroom.
During these two weeks, in the night, before to go to dinner, my father and my brother, every day set up a part of all the furniture, and this Wednesday night, my bedroom have finished!:):)
Now, you can improve the results with the photos;)

When you pass the door, you can see a big photo of a city in the night, the mirrors, the cupboard, the bed, this red table (is for do homework or study, breakfast... into the bed!:P).

In this photo, you can see a cork full of photos of my friends.
I have this on top of the bed.

This is a money box, but it's like a sheep.:)
This is one of my birthday presents from my friends. I really like it.

Here, you can see the mirrors. I like it a lot!:)

And finally, you can see my desk, my computer, my books, and my sound system.

I hope you like it!:)
A big kiss for you!