When I was a younger, everyday, I stayed with Laia hours and hours. When we finished the school in the midday, we stayed one hour together, because she come to my house until one o'clock, the time that her mother finished to work. Later, we went to school together, with our mothers, and when we finished the classes, at five o'clock, we went to the park in the spring, summer and autumn, and in the winter, we went to my house or her house and we played with dolls, or simulate that we were doctors and one of us was ill, and we restored to health with tickling.
We always laughed a lot, and never we were angry.
When the summer come, and the classes finish, every morning, we went to the beach with her little sister, Eva, and my brother Joan.
Now, when we meet, we talk about everything, and if there are something wrong, we help ourselves.
Laia is a great person that you can confide your secrets in, and she wouldn't say anything to anybody.
Sometimes, when there is a long time that I don't see her, I miss she, her laughs, her way of being, her way to understand me...
Now, I see Laia every day, because we go together in the car to go to the institute, because we live near.
Well, I'm delighted to meet she, and this isn't a compliance. ;)
Now, you can see a photo of our in the concert of El Canto del Loco in la Bisbal this summer.
I want to give a kiss and a hug for Laia, and a big THANKS FOR EVERYTHING*

We always laughed a lot, and never we were angry.
When the summer come, and the classes finish, every morning, we went to the beach with her little sister, Eva, and my brother Joan.
Now, when we meet, we talk about everything, and if there are something wrong, we help ourselves.
Laia is a great person that you can confide your secrets in, and she wouldn't say anything to anybody.
Sometimes, when there is a long time that I don't see her, I miss she, her laughs, her way of being, her way to understand me...
Now, I see Laia every day, because we go together in the car to go to the institute, because we live near.
Well, I'm delighted to meet she, and this isn't a compliance. ;)
Now, you can see a photo of our in the concert of El Canto del Loco in la Bisbal this summer.
I want to give a kiss and a hug for Laia, and a big THANKS FOR EVERYTHING*
Lauraaaa :)
I've already found your blog ;)and I've read this entrance too, which you told me last day!
The writing is very nice Laura, thank you! But you know that I can and I have to say the same about you, because you are a fantastic person!!
During our friendship we've share lots of moments and it's nice remember them, as we do sometimes and as you have written here.
I hope that you know I wish you the best!!
One kiss for you!*
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